Friday, July 22, 2011

bitter sweet world

sometimes i wonder if there's actually anyone out there that truly cares about the good of mankind. anyone that cares about anyone but themselves. or is the whole world just filled with selfsih people looking to get a free meal. looking to get that instant gratification. worried about what's in it for them. does anyone ever just do anything to make someone ELSE smile anymore? to make someone ELSE happy?

maybe it's the business i'm in. maybe it's the people i've dated. maybe i've been screwed over one too many times. maybe i'm just jaded. but it seems as though the world has become filled with nothing but people that care about no one but themselves. and when you are one of just a few people that care about others, and there is no one left to care about you ... you just get left behind in the dust. and if you look out for yourself, then you're just like everyone else.