Monday, February 1, 2016

For those of you that are too damn nosey for your own good

Since there are apparently several of you that have nothing better to do than to read my facebook status's and posts, take your own opinion of what they may or may not mean, take your pre-conceived notion (or one-sided story) of what may or may not have happened to me in my life recently, and then go on and show my ex what I posted, along with whatever hyped up version of what you think it means ... Let me address a few things for you. 1) When I said "What's always crazy to me is when you finally realize that what you had all along was never real. You're not sure if you should be mad or laugh ... But one thing is for sure ... It makes it so much easier to just keep on rollin' ... #neverlookingback" ... It was after finding some of the following posts that he had made. Some of these were DURING the course of our relationship. Some of them were either the DAY we broke up, or during the week or two after we broke up. Now, please keep in mind, we broke up on Jan 13 (2 weeks ago). We were planning on getting married by the end of the month of this January (ie ... now). Now ... it is of my own personal opinion that if you are planning on marrying someone, obviously you care a LOT about them. So I, personally, feel that you wouldn't be thinking about other people ... certainly not WHILE you are together. Also, regardless of how the breakup went, it would make logical sense to me, that you wouldn't IMMEDIATELY be hitting on other women. But again ... maybe that's just me. But the post I made, was put up after seeing that he had made the following comments on various women's pictures on various social media sites. All were made either throughout our relationship, or just recently, right after our breakup ... 1) Person #1 "Astonishingly Gorgeous Lady" 5 days ago 2) "Very Beautiful" 4 weeks ago 3) Person #2 "Very Gorgeous Lady" 3 days ago 4) "Gorgeous ladies!" 2 days ago 5) Person #3 "Naturally Gorgeous" 6 days ago 6) "Wow! #model" 2 weeks ago 7) Person #4 - her to him "Who forgot to call ? Xoxo Hmmm" 20 weeks ago 8) Person #5 "Beautiful!" 24 weeks ago 9) Person #6 Supermodel!" 22 weeks ago 10) "So Naturally Beautiful" 30 weeks ago 11) Person #7 "Wow" 27 weeks ago 12) "Shhhhhhh gorgeous" 27 weeks ago 13) "Wow sexiness" 27 weeks ago 14) "Beautiful" 27 weeks ago 15) "Damn it Bobby!" 27 weeks ago 16) Person #8 "Astoundingly Naturally Gorgeous #WORDSDOYOUNOJUSTICE" 3 weeks ago 17) Person #9 "Gorgeous" 7 weeks ago - I would post more, but honestly, I just don't feel like spending any more time finding them. These are just a few from the profiles that aren't even private ... which just goes to show how many more there are, where those came from. 2) The second thing I would like to address, is why I have made so many comments regarding social media, and why I feel that it is the downfall of relationships. That, and how I feel that relationships seem to no longer be able to have the focus of monogamy. I feel that the above listings firmly show some data to support that logic. Along with that, throughout our relationship, we continually argued over one particular friend that I had ... and we never spoke often. And when we did, all it was, was a few texts. We never hung out, the entire time we were together. However, apparently, it was a REALLY big problem that he was my "friend" on social media, and "liked" all of the pictures I posted. So, I was told that I needed to "de-friend" him. However, he was allowed to be "friends" with all of the above women, and follow pages such as the following: 1) INSTABESTBOOTIES - posting nothing but pictures of women's asses in thongs 2) BUTTBUILDING - "World's best butts and bodies" 3) TITTZNTATTZ 4) BOOBSBUTTSBIGTRUCKS 5) 10-20 "Instagram models" - ie girls w practically naked pics 6) 10-20 "Work-Out/I'm Fit" pages - People who workout and pose in their workout gear 1/2 naked - but again - it's a problem for me to be friends with one guy. but it's ok for you to not only look at naked women all day, but FLIRT with them also, as if you're single. 3) As for the "Open Letter to the Boy Who Didn't Appreciate Me" ... there have been several boys/men who haven't appreciated me. But this one was probably the worst of all. Bc I did more for him that I have for anyone else. I would wake up early every single day of the week, just to wake him up. Bc he slept thru his own alarms. I made and brought him coffee in bed. Every single day. I would pack him lunch, plenty of times writing him sweet notes to go in it. I would make sure he was ready for work, and out the door, before I would even start to get ready myself. And we had to be at work at the SAME TIME. And we BOTH worked DOWNTOWN. If he ever wanted or needed anything ... I got it. If he needed appointments made ... I made them. I did all of the cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, bday/christmas present shopping. I paid all of the bills. I made all of the dinners, AND I cleaned the dishes. The entire time he lived with me, he never cleaned ONE SINGLE DISH. He didn't even know where the dishes WENT. He never ONCE ran the dishwasher. He never washed clothes. He never bought his own underwear. I had to make him a bank account. When he wanted a new truck, how did he get it? Me. When he wanted a $2,000 gold chain ...? Me. When he needed new tires ...? Me. I would drop any and everything for that boy to make him happy. And what was he doing the whole time ...? Talking to other women. That's why we made the joint facebook in the first place. Because that's what he was doing on his facebook account. Asking other women if he could hook up with them, and asking for naked pictures. But I stupidly stayed with him. Bc I loved him. There would be a day once every month or two where it would seem like he appreciated me ... but looking back on it now ... it seems like all he was doing was throwing me a bone, so I would just keep doing everything for him. Being his sugar momma. Treating him like a spoiled little brat. Soooooo ... you tell me. Am I just bitching? Am I blowing things out of proportion? Or is maybe your friend just not the person you thought he was ...?