Tuesday, March 8, 2011

thoughts running rampant

i'm tired of people that have nothing better to do than talk about me. than to run their mouths about things they know nothing about. that start rumors, just because they THINK they know something. than people that think they have the right to tell me how many things they think i'm doing wrong, or how im a terrible person, or a terrible friend, or how im breaking so many rules.

who are YOU to judge? really? "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." no-one is perfect. and i'm the first to admit that i am FAR from it. but i will say one thing ... i try my damndest TO be. i try my damndest to make everyone happy. and YES. that DOES include myself. pardon me, if i want to be happy too. there's plenty of ways that i follow the rules. and there's plenty of ways that i don't. i'll admit that too. i pick and choose which ones. ill pick them based on relevance and relative levels of importance to me and the situation at hand. i'm a rebel. i can admit that too.

but i will not accept blame for wrongs i have not committed, or guilts for sins that are not mine. i will not sit by, idly, while those around me tarnish my name, or try to say that i am the sole reason that the world is coming to an end.

PLEASE world ... grow up. act your age. mellow out. GEEZ!

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