Saturday, August 27, 2011

fairy tale endings

I know i've written before about how i believe in fairy tale endings, and soul mates, and how some things are just meant to be. i believe this more now that ever, with the current turn of events.

no matter how much everyone tells me otherwise, or how much everyone may tell me i'm stupid, or crazy, or whatever else ... every day i fall just a little bit more in love with you. and you're not even here.

you know when you watch a movie, and you get to the super stupid sappy part, and you're like ... "yeah right ... this shit only happens in movies." well ... i feel like i'm living that scene out right now. only ... i'm only like a quarter of the way through the movie.

i've literally had people who know about everything going on, say to me ... "i thought that kind of stuff only happened in the movies." it's just all so surreal. but strangely enough, most of the time, i'm pretty at peace with it all. don't get me wrong. there's times that it all hits me like a ton of bricks, and i just completely break down, but for the most part ... i sit and wait.

i go about my life, from day to day ... but no matter what ... no matter where i go, who i meet, or what i do ... no one is you. and i could be wrong. maybe one day ... someone will prove me wrong. but somehow ... i just don't see that happening. i just think some things are meant to be. some of US are just meant to be TOGETHER.

but like i said ... i believe in soul mates. i believe in fate. i believe everything happens for a reason. i believe in living life with no regrets. i believe in happy endings. i believe in fairy tales. i believe in myself. i believe in you. and most importantly ... i believe in us.

sometimes ... we just have to wait awhile.

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