Sunday, August 2, 2015

You planted a seed in me

You planted a seed in me You probably don't even know what all those few words meant that first day Or what all I felt when I heard you say All you did was let me know when I went to reach for my own chopsticks And tell me that you had already gotten some for me You said, "What? You've never had anybody treat you like that?" And I've never really thought about it like you did, Or looked into it the that way But as we were eating, and you put your hand on my knee You asked if it was ok. I was blown away. I didn't know what to say. I just smiled. And nodded. And in my heart, I knew I liked this guy. And then the more I spent time with you, the more I began to learn That that very first day, you had planted a seed in my heart. And that seed of love had begun to grow. Because every day, so very fast, I had started to care for you more and more. And the more I knew about you, the more I loved you. And then you came here. And when you come to bed every night, Naked, and raw, and as pure as can be ... It's the same way as how you love me. Your love is pure and raw. No bull shit. No make-up and frills. And that's exactly what I want, and exactly why I love you. Along with a list 20 miles long of other things. You planted a seed in me. And now our love is naked, pure, and raw. One day our seed will grow to be the biggest and most beautiful Magnolia tree in someone's neighborhood. And there will be a crazy leaf lady neighbor that won't like it, and that will want to cut it down. But because it will be so strong, and rooted, and firm, and unshakeable ... It won't go anywhere. Because our love is pure, naked, and raw. Rooted, firm, and unshakeable. They say the Pisces not only want to find their lover, but their Spiritual mate, their best friend, and their eternal soul mate. They say that's why it takes so many of us so long To find "the one." Because we are continually searching for the one that fate has set in store for us. The one who is meant to be our Happily Ever After. Our "eternal soul mate." I've found it all. I have Found MY ALL. In you. YOU are my everything. You are my seed. You are my naked, raw, unbridled, pure, passionate, eternal love that I have been searching for. You are my best friend, and you can be my worst enemy, for it is only you that knows my faults so well. You are my lover, and my Mr Grey. You are my companion, and he whom I would choose over everyone else to do ANYTHING with. You are my other half. For when I am weak, you are strong. When I cannot find the words, you speak for me. When I am overbearing, you sit back and listen. And when I want to nurture you, you sit back and let me. You are my heart and my soul. My heart beats in YOUR chest. For if you weren't here, I don't know what I would do. You are the reason I wake in the mornings, and I can't sleep until I hear your breathing change and I know you're asleep. When you planted that seed ... You became my world.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Being in love with you means ...

1) you're my best friend.

2) my confidant.

3) you're my sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray.

4) I will always be honest with you. I will never lie or deceive you. I couldn't, even if I tried.

5) I want to do anything and everything I can to help you. To make your day and life easier. Bc when you're happy, it makes me happy.

6) you're my lover. But it's more than that ... Read the lyrics to Ludacris' "Nasty Girl"

7) that I accept both of our pasts for what they are, and even appreciate them. Bc if it weren't for what we both came from, we wouldn't be together today. Our past made us who we are now. They taught us more than we could ever know. And a huge part of how we communicate with one another is based off of what we each learned in our past failed relationships.

8) I always be in your corner. I will always be on your side. I will always be on your team, and cheering you on. And even when I think you're wrong or i disagree with you ... No one will know but me and you ... But I will tell you as respectfully as I can, and I will tell you why.

9) you will never be hungry. And if you are, I'll be hungry with you, and it will be bc were at a really terrible time in our life. But I will be right by your side through it all.

10) you'll be the Clyde to my Bonnie.

11) we will fall off the couch, laughing in our underwear, every time you get a Charlie horse.

12) I'll always wake you up, every morning, with a cup of coffee ... Or something better ;)

13) we will make time for fun things every once n a while, like concerts or going out of town. Bc sometimes, we just deserve to have a little fun.

14) I'll never take you for granted. And I will always do everything within my power to make you as happy as you make me. Each and every day.

15) you complete me. I know it seems cliche and terrible. I know I'm not supposed to say things like that. I know that I am supposed to be "enough" on my own, and all of these other things ... And Lord knows that I have been there and done all of those things too. We both have. But when I just sit and think of all I could ever want in life ... What am I lacking that I CANNOT give myself ... It's you. You're the person by my side, that I can always talk to. The one that makes me smile when I'm having a bad day. The one I get to come home to every day. The one I get to go to bed with every night. The face I wake up to every morning. The voice the tells me he loves me and that I'm beautiful. The hand that pulls my hair and grabs my ass. The eyes that watch over me, and can read my soul. YOU are everything I always needed but never knew I wanted. I didn't know how bad I needed you until you were here. And that's why everything is so different now. I am so different now. You'll never completely know who I was before, because I'll never completely be the same again. You've changed me. But I love so very much who I am today. I love this person because I love who I am when I'm with you.