Sunday, January 9, 2011

i know i probably shouldn't be surprised ...

but i kind of am, a little bit.  i mean ... you left today.  as in ... packed the remainder of your things into your little teeny-tiny fuel-efficient car, and drove your punk ass to FL.  and didn't say goodbye.  even after i texted you yesterday, and SPECIFICALLY told you that i knew you were leaving today, and it surely would be nice if i could see and/or talk to you to say goodbye.  to which i got absolutely no response.  shock ... i know.  but still ... a small part of me was still holding out hope that ... no matter how much you were closing out your emotions towards me, and trying to forget about me, so that it wouldn't hurt ... you would still want to see me before you actually LEFT TOWN.  For good.  I mean ... FUCK!  i just don't GET how you can completely just ... all of the sudden ... cut me out, like i don't exist at all anymore.  especially when you continue to tell me how much you still love me, and how you'll always care.  i don't fucking GET IT!  because all i know is how you're acting.  and actions speak SO much louder than words.  especially right now.  and right now, your actions are telling me to "eat shit, and die."  that you could care less if I DID die. 

i don't even know.  i'm at a loss.  i'm ready to move on.  to try to forget about you.  to not hurt everyday.  but i still can't get you out of my head.  i don't want to think, every day, about why you're NOT thinking about me.  about WHY you don't care.  or wonder if you do, but don't want to.  or wonder how you can just NOT think.  or care.  it's too many thoughts, running rampant through my head.  when apparently there are none going through yours.  it's not fair.

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