Friday, January 7, 2011

I might need more of a challenge ...

so ... i got my first review yesterday.  it was my eighth shift.  I was rated a 4 out of 5.  An "exceeds expectations."  i had 104 out of 125.  if I had had 114, i would have had the highest rating possible ... which, from what i hear, NEVER happens for new people, and HARDLY ever happens for even the most seasoned employees. 

so, as the GM of the store is giving me my eval, she starts asking me questions ... "were you the GM of your last store?  how do you know so much about food cost and recipe adherence?  were you the top of your class at MIT training?"  then to be followed by ... "the only reason i gave you 3's (meets expectations) on this stuff, is because i know you do it, but you don't really make a point to come to me and TELL me about when you do it.  just make more of a point to communicate to me about ... blah, blah, blah ... "  well, alrighty then!  tell me how you really feel about me!  lol.

it's gotta make you feel at least a little good ...  but at the same time, makes you wonder.  for one ... if you already think i'm doing this well ... and all you have to go on, is the past two weeks of my life ... which HAPPEN to be like ... the two worst weeks EVER ... then really ... there's only UP to go from here, right?  i mean ... you've already admitted that you've seen me running circles around everybody, and ... you haven't even seen me bring my "A-game" yet.  so ... i'm just sayin ... how long will it take me to move up?  go to the next level?  how long before i become bored with what i'm doing.  so what's my plan?  become GM within 12-18 months.  6 figures.  before i'm 30.  and have enough money to do whatever i want.  travel where i want.  buy what i want.  for who i want.  support myself.  same as my plan has always been - be self-sufficient.  not have to depend on anyone else.  because you can't.  you can't depend on anyone but yourself.

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